Sam & Such

How did you end up here? Only the few select individuals can enter the realm of my mind, and dare I say you don’t even look the part. I’ve had kings and nobleman come here but a fellow blogger? My name is Sam: son, brother, student, athlete and, motivated procrastinator. I cant say I am a writer but I did type this all myself so that has to mean something.

Being the son of a writer has given me lot’s of advantage. If only that last sentence was true… Instead I am here writing blog posts and sharing my random thoughts in hopes of boosting my English mark. I am athletic I guess. But, don’t worry I’m no jock because jocks are actually cool. basketball and Handball are interesting enough to captivate my attention for long periods of time, however just because I play them doesn’t mean I’m any good. Get ready for tasteful sarcasm, wild ideas, and many grammar, mis-take’s. This page will feature wonderful segments like: Sam’s wrong thoughts, Sam the poet, Sam I am (sad), and other notoriously popular segments coming up in the next few months.

Being Me

being an athlete gives me the resilience needed to bounce back like a basketball.

being a food enthusiast gives me the hunger needed to always improve and evolve.

being a music enthusiast gives me the grooves to tap into my emotion whether they are major and large or minor and small.

being a math enthusiast gives me the ability to find a problem and with ease solve.

Being a science enthusiast gives me the ability to find an answer that’s always logical.

being a volume enthusiast gives me the ability to speak out loud.

Being a comfort enthusiast I always wanna be somewhere warm and tropical.

being a daydream enthusiast makes me always look up at the sky and gaze at the large Magellanic clouds.

Being a sleep enthusiast gives me the feeling of being tired and crappy.

Being me gives me the ability to express myself and just be me.



So… this is me, is it cool?