
Fluctuating between the dehydration and starvation

I find a darkness is the only thing I can trust.

Being tied down with no rope to a chair that

does doesn’t exist in a dark room that is in my head.

Shackles on my feet but these shackles not only bind,

they also drain the potential of a better fortnight.


Alone and scared I can’t even feel the walls for a light

switch knowing even if there is one it won’t work.

So I sit in silence knowing my voice stays within my head

forever hungry… forever thirsty… forever silent…


Banging was all I could even hear from the cellar door if it even is a cellar. the assholes didn’t even put a clock in here so I don’t even know how long I’ve been here. From the sound of my stomach I’ve missed at least two meals. Darkness has consumed the room and not even a flicker of light is in the room; nothing to cause even the slightest reflection in my eye so I could see how big the room is. for all I know I could be in a football field sized maze. But real estate is expensive so I must be in a cellar of sorts. Darkness in the room has been spread like a ripened jam on bread. great, now even my similes are food based.

My stomach grumbles a mighty roar that Could be hear for at least 50 yards. That’s when they enter. The beasts enter with a hurry and knock me down. Sure seems fair when I can’t see. They insert something into my arm and it nicks my shoulder coming out and I could see the darkness literally spinning.

I awaken strapped into a dentists chair With a beaming light hitting me right in the face. The light helps me see a little around me. The ground has been drawn on with a white chalk. I see a star drawn with 5 points. at the end of each point is a hooded figure. each sheathing a blade. The one standing in front of me begins to chant some sort of prayer in what seems like an old English or Latin.

“Pater tenebris hanc igitur oblationem.” he yells. once he is finished the other start chanting it in unison.

“Pater tenebris hanc igitur oblationem.”

“Pater tenebris hanc igitur oblationem.”

“Pater tenebris hanc igitur oblationem.”

“Pater tenebris hanc igitur oblationem.”

Once they finish they all pounce forward and unsheathe their blade. I feel The first one pound my liver. The second Hits my thigh and I never feel anything again.


I kinda had this story in my book from the beginning of the year so I decided to make a poem and extend it. The gibberish you hear in the story (Pater tenebris hanc igitur oblationem) roughly translates to “father Darkness accept this offering.”

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