The Flat World Around Us

I think that we all put to much trust into scientists these days. They are all just a bunch of guys with a piece of paper that has 3 letters on it and their name (PhD). Today I want to talk about a very dividing mainstream issue; the ”round” earth. See there is a great video that proves that the earth is flat featuring a lemon and a plate. You see, if water could pool up like in the flooded lands of Costa Rica, then how can we call earth a imperfect ball. We can’t keep getting lied to, we must look deeper and think with our thinking caps on.


Flatter Than a Platter

Flat Earth:

is where we birth,

our many children who laugh and play.

But, “the Earth is round I say.”

That’s the teachers favorite line.

Because the students don’t know that the teacher is lying.

How can Houston and Costa Rica flood?

When we live on a ball of mud.

Our belief spans from athletes to celebrities,

but the only thing we are missing is visionaries.

Athletes like Kyrie Irving,

who believes the earth is not curving.

Rappers like B.O.B

who believes that a round earth is bull-S-H-I-T.

With this many followers how can we all not agree.

that if you believe in this nonsense, you’ll die alone at age 83.

These accusations are delirious.

The writers of these fake studies are always mysterious.

You hear about it on magazines and talk shows.

But you never hear about it from a source everyone knows.

But we can never tell, because we are stuck on this flat circle or sphere.

Almost all 7 billion of us are stuck here.


We need to widen our view and see from space,

to put to rest this dividing, dunderhead case.

Of course is not a flat circular chip.

We have magical spacial phenomenon like an eclipse.

We have many time zones,

and we have a mighty ozone.

We also have great photos of our planet.

It is round and large like a pomegranate.

Most of us have enough brain cells,

to realize the garbage the flat earth theorists sell,

is exactly that.

A pile of wrong, improperly-sourced crap.